All client IRD
letters in one place. Automatically read,
triage and notify.
Intelligent integrations with Inland Revenue and Xero.
Visit our registration page and enter your details. You’ll then need to verify your email address and set a password before being redirected to our Stripe payment platform to add a payment method. You won’t be charged until the end of your first month.
There is no initial set-up fee 🎉 Monthly cost is 50c per IRD number per month (currently 50% off for the first 3 months i.e. 25c per IRD number per month).
You will be billed monthly on your sign-up date according to the IRD numbers you have on the first of every month.
We will email you once the IRD linking is complete (within 1 working day). The letters will be visible on the App the next working day.
The letters will update by 7am every working day.
Please contact us at [email protected] or give us a call on 0800 800 046.
You can cancel without penalty any time before your billing date.
We are currently working on Version 1.1 of Tax Admin Essentials that will include enhanced features such as managing practice information, bulk action to inbox/archive and a payments due tab. This is due for release by the end of 2023.
Tax Admin Pro is due for release in early 2024, which will unlock the full automation of the tax letters.
We are keen to work with our early adopters to help shape our future problem-solving products.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further.